
A well-stocked modular library with 12 hour working per day it has 30 seating capacity which includes reference section, student reading section, teacher reading section and digital library.

Library is an automated, open access library with collection of more than 21000 documents as well subscription to all major newspapers, periodicals, publication and journals, technical as well as non- technical, national and international. Various kinds of reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, data book, and hand-books are available to the students.

Accessibility for students and staff

Timing: Academic Working day : 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Book Issue Period for Students : 7 days, Max 3 Books

Books Issued Period for Staff : 6 Months, Max 5 Books

Computerization for search, indexing, issue/return record? : Yes

Bar-coding used? : No

Library services on internet /intranet? : Yes

INDEST or other similar membership? specify : Nil

No. Of Titles: No. Of Volumes- 21497 : 6994 , 21497


Library is having 5 computers installed in e-library were staff and students have access to internet for their curriculum needs which includes information search for projects, seminar or workshop to be attended

Other amenities provide to the student in library

- Book Bank Facility

- Reference & Information Services

- Computerized Library Services

- Open Access System

- OPAC facility (Online Public Access Catalogue )

- CD’s Library Facility

- e-Library Facility / Digital Library Services

- Online Help to Students For Academic Project

- Board Question Papers, Syllabus and Laboratory Manual for reference

- Newspaper Clipping Services.

- Printing, Scanning & Xeroxing Facility

LIBRARIAN: The Librarian is responsible for providing library and research services for the organization and maintenance of the library and its collections.

Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:

· To develop library policies and procedures;

· To ensure that library services meet the needs of groups of users;

· To design information storage and retrieval systems, and develop procedures for collecting, organizing, interpreting, and classifying information;

· To planning of Budget for procurement of books, periodicals and selection and acquisition of Book;

· To orienting the users towards effective utilization of Library Services;

· Supervising of cataloguing and indexing;

· To correspondence regarding receipt/non-receipt of periodicals;

· To check the relevant documents before the bills are passed for payment;

· To direct and train library staff in duties such as receiving, shelving, researching, cataloging, and equipment use;

· Any other work assigned by the Principal.

Library Clerk: To Compile records, sort and shelve books, and issue and receive library materials.

Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:

• To register members of the Library and issue and receipt of the books from the members;

• To help the staff / students in locating the books;

• To arrange for binding and general upkeep of journals, publications etc;

• To arrange library books in a systematic manner and use the library books to the requisition officer and maintaining their proper record;

• To inspect returned books for condition and due-date status, and compute any applicable fines;

• Any other work assigned by the senior Officers.

Class-IV (Book Lifter): To provide support in order to ensure that library services are provided in an effective and efficient manner. He/ She works as attendant, helper, messenger and custodian of the library and office of the reporting officer.

Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:

To deliver and retrieve items to and from departments;

To place books in mailing containers, affix address labels;

To assist in the preparation of book displays;

Any other work assigned by the Senior Officers.