Computer Science

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Basic knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principals to solve broadly defined computer science and engineering problems.

PO2: Discipline knowledge: Identify, formulate and solve broadly defined computer science and engineering related problems by applying computer science principles.

PO3: Experiments and practice: Plan, perform and practice wide-range of computer science and engineering experiments and use the results to solve computer science related problems.

PO4: Engineering Tools: Identify and use modern software/hardware tools and techniques necessary for computer engineering practices with an understanding of their limitations.

PO5: The engineer and society: Demonstrate the knowledge by practice in Computer Science and Engineering with due concern to society with respect to health, safety and legal issues.

PO6: Environment and Sustainability: Understand professional responsibilities and act Environment and Sustainability: accordingly with emphasis on environmental issues and sustainability.

PO7: Ethics: Inculcate and practice ethical responsibilities and norms of engineering practices.

PO8: Individual and team work: Participate in team as a team member or leader to apply Individual and team work : acquired skills to accomplish the assigned task.

PO9: Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with written, oral and visual means in a technical environment.

PO10: Life-long learning: Recognize the need and have the requisite preparation and ability for continuous self up gradation as per the demand of the ever changing technological sector.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Diploma holder will be able to

PEO1. Identify, analyze, design, develop and maintain software, systems and networks.

PEO 2. Develop life-long learning attitude towards latest trends in market driven technology

PEO 3. Demonstrate professional skills through effective communication, team work, multidisciplinary approach and ethical behavior with concern to society and environment

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Students will be able to-

PSO1: Solve computational problems by applying concepts of programming and mathematical foundation.

PSO2: Manage database, web services, computer networks, operating systems, computer hardware.

PSO3: Design and develop software by applying concepts of programming and software engineering.