Architecture & Interior Design

Programme Outcomes (PO’s)

PO1: Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering to solve the architectural/interior design problems.

PO2: Discipline knowledge: Demonstrate knowledge of architecture and interior design to draft, assist in design / design, supervise and execute various types of architectural and interior projects.

PO3: Experiments and practice: Extract the relevant information from the applicable codes and, apply the same in the architectural & interior design process.

PO4: Engineering Tools: Produce digital production and presentation drawings and, prepare estimates using appropriate tools.

PO5: The engineer and society: Demonstrate an understanding of professional codes pertaining to societal, health, safety, legal and cultural aspects and consequent responsibilities relevant to architecture and interior design.

PO6: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the importance of environment and their role in creation of sustainable environment through designs.

PO7: Ethics: Commit to professional ethics in the field of building construction and design.

PO8: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse/multidisciplinary teams.

PO9: Communication: Communicate effectively to express themselves in written and verbal forms and through drawings.

PO10: Life-long learning: Understand the importance of life-long learning by updating themselves with latest market practices and skills.

Programme Educational Objectives(PEO’s):

Graduate will be able to

PEO1: Comprehend the project requirements, analyze the available information, develop and present design solutions.

PEO2: Supervise and assist in execution of architectural and Interior Design projects.

PEO3: Demonstrate ethical attitude, communicate effectively and work as a team.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Make different types of architectural and interior drawings manually and using relevant software and applicable codes of practices.

PSO2: Record and utilize field data to prepare and update designs, estimates and site maps.

PSO3: Design and execute small scale architectural and interior projects.