Electronics & Telecommunication

Programme Outcomes (POs)

A Diploma engineer in Electronics and telecommunication Engineering is able to

1. Basic Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principles to solve broadly defined electronics and communication engineering problems.

2. Discipline Knowledge: Identify, formulate, and solve broadly defined electronics and communication engineering-related problems by applying basic principles.

3. Experiments and practice: Plan, perform and practice wide-range of electronics and communication engineering problems and to use the results to solve problems.

4. Engineering tools: Identify and select modern tools such as simulators, virtual labs, etc. to analyze and validate the solutions.

5. The engineer and society: Demonstrate the knowledge by practice in Electronics & communication engineering with due concern to society with respect to health, safety, legal and cultural issues.

6. Environment and sustainability: Develop standards, specifications, cost effective products and operations in accordance with the law/standards and with a greater emphasis on environmental issues and sustainability.

7. Ethics: Inculcate and practice ethical responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

8. Individual and team work: Involve in teams to apply and analyze the need for improve skills acquired among the team members to achieve the goals. Ability to lead project team by incorporating appropriate economic and business models for the success of the project tasks.

9. Communications: Communicate effectively with written, oral, and visual means in a technical environment.

10. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning for updating themselves for changes in world of technology.

Programme Educational Objectives(PEOs)

pass out, after three to five years, will be able to-

PEO 1: Apply the knowledge of basic sciences and mathematics in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

PEO 2: Demonstrate professional competence through knowledge, advanced practices and tools.

PEO 3: Perform effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment.

PEO 4: Adapt to the current practices by engaging in life-long learning with ethical values.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

A Diploma engineer in Electronics and telecommunication Engineering is able to

PSO1: Exhibit competency in Electronics and telecommunication engineering by applying broad spectrum knowledge of mathematics, engineering Science and telecommunication.

PSO2: Configure and apply analog and digital electronics devices and circuits.

PSO3: Demonstrate strength in professional skills in Electronics and Tele-communication engineering field.